How Our Divorce Lawyers Can Help You
There is much to know and consider for those thinking of ending their marriage. First, you should consider what you want your post-divorce life to look like.
We often tell our clients to picture what they hope their life will look like after divorce. Just because one plan didn’t turn out as expected doesn’t mean we have to give up on all our goals. Yes, divorce is an ending and a significant change in your life. But it’s also a new beginning.
Fault vs. No-Fault Divorce
While all states now allow no-fault divorces, some states, such as Arkansas, also allow residents to file for divorce on fault-based grounds. However, under New Mexico’s statute, the state only allows for no-fault divorces; thus, one only needs to cite “irreconcilable differences” as the cause of the marriage breakdown. While the blame is laid at the feet of neither spouse, that doesn’t mean that no-fault divorce is necessarily uncontested.
Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce
Fault and no-fault divorces only specify the grounds on which the divorce is initiated. While there are some key differences, a no-fault divorce can still be contested.
In other words, divorce is adversarial. The two spouses have interests that directly conflict with one another. While all fault-based divorces are contested, many no-fault divorces are also.
No matter the specific facts, AMGJ Law is here to help make the divorce process as tolerable as possible. To learn how we can facilitate this process and fight for what is yours, call us at (505) 522-4878 or contact us online to schedule a FREE consultation.
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